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Increase Your Email Open Rate and Click Through Rate by Over 50%

Reading an Email campaign only to find a success rate of 12.7% is not only disheartening but a blow to the investment of time, money, and efforts. You’ll need an effective CTR E-mail marketing strategy to improve them ASAP.

What’s the problem?

Are E-mails passé? …. French for old fashioned .Do people hate getting Emails? Nah not true ! If you listen to the stats,

  • A 2021 survey by Bluecore suggests that 74% of Baby Boomers, 64% of Millennials, and 72% of Gen Z think E-mails are the most personal channel for business communication from brands.
  • According to a 2020 Optinmonster Survey, 99% of Email users check their inbox daily. Some check as many as 20 times a day.
  • So, why is your Email open rate increasingly falling, and how can you fix it?
  • There is a combination of factors that might be affecting your Email open rate. The top five include:
  • Relevance of E-mail to your target audience
  • Lack of quality content
  • Uninterested and unsegmented Email list
  • Time of the day
  • Impersonalised subject lines

The good news is that they are easily fixable, but there is no one-answer-fits-all solution. Start with knowing your audience better, learning their interests, and segmenting your E-mailing list to achieve:


Consider the following two examples:

  • I am an Email marketer, and I received a promotional Email on how to double my Email open rate and click-through rate. Inside the Email are 5 tips, and CTA suggests I click to see 5 more tips.
  • I am an Email marketer, and I receive a promotional Email that compares different accounting software, and the CTA suggests I click to read the comparison.

Which one do you think has a better chance of opening and getting a click-through? Of course, the first one. It is more relevant to what I do, and relevance is the CTR formula that will increase open rates on Emails.


Tailor quality content that provides your subscribers with value and entertainment is bound to increase open rate and click-through rate. When creating Emails, consider:

·    Is the content adding value to the recipient or is it something that they could do without?

·    If it is yawn-inducing information or curiosity-piquing knowledge?

For entertainment, use humour. It can go a long way in building a relationship. Moreover, avoid spam words like “free” and include an “unsubscribe” option.

EMail List Segmentation

89% of businesses make the common Email marketing mistake of not segmenting their subscribers. You don’t want to be one of them. Segmenting subscribers based on their interests alone can substantially increase click-through rates to over 100%.

Segmentation also allows personalisation, which also improves Email open rates and increases click rates. Indulge in A/B testing before sending Emails out.

Time of the Day

Fortunately, there is a lot of data to suggest that the best time to send marketing Emails is between 6 am and 6 pm, with the click-to-open rate (CTO) peaking between 11 am to 2 pm.

Subject Lines

Studies find that 47% of recipients open Emails, and 69% report spam based on their subject lines. The same study found that adding the recipient’s first name in the subject line can increase click to open rate by a solid 22%. Always use lowercase letters lest the E-mail might get tagged as spam.